Certification as a Healing Shame Practitioner – Lyon/Rubin Method

“I have often observed the power of shame to make those in its grip, including myself, freeze, disparage themselves and turn away from others. I struggled to find more effective ways to release clients from shame. Then along came Bret and Sheila’s Healing Shame workshops. Bret and Sheila’s approach gives me additional skills to help clients feel safe enough to break the grip of shame and free themselves from even its deepest reaches. Clients come to accept themselves, discover internal resources and relate more openly to spouses, children, friends and colleagues.”
— Fran Schwartz, PhD, LCSW, New York

AT THE CENTER FOR HEALING SHAME, Our mission is to serve the GLOBAL community by training therapists and other helping professionals in how to work with shame.

The lack of expertise and understanding in working with shame has caused hardship and pain to many individuals. Our goal is to reach and educate as many people as possible.

In addition to our individual workshops, we offer our Certification Program in Healing Shame - Lyon/Rubin Method, leading to Practitioner status. It is open to therapists and other helping professionals with a real commitment and dedication to working with shame. Certified practitioners are listed on our website and invited to assist in our workshops. As there are very few people trained in any method of working with shame, this certification program is an opportunity to add to your skill set, serve the public, and gain new clients.

While each of our workshops is complete in itself and provides a great deal of useful, hard-to-find information about shame, we have found that many attendees have gained enormously by choosing to take this certification program. The workshops are designed to build on each other, and your knowledge and expertise in working with shame will grow geometrically with each workshop you take. And the depth and bonding of the community of people who are drawn to this deep work is astounding.

The certification program consists of completing ten workshops, which must include the six required workshops listed below, as well as eight private consultations, over the course of two years.

The requirements are:

  1. Completion of ​ten of our workshops​, which must include the ​six required workshops listed below in bold. While we prefer that you begin the program with the Core Workshop, the sequence can be started at any time. (We currently offer 14 different workshops for you to choose from. And as a postgraduate, you are welcome to take additional workshops at the same low rate.)

    • The two advanced workshops must be attended live (i.e., either in person for an onsite workshop or live on Zoom for an interactive online workshop). If this is not possible, we can discuss a special arrangement, such as extra consultations. Prerequisite: These workshops are only open to advanced students who have taken at least two workshops with us, or by special permission.

    • You must take on the role of therapist demonstrating competency working with shame in at least two triad exercises.

    • All workshops must be completed within two years (with the possibility of extension by special permission).

    • If a workshop class is taken by recording (such as a missed Zoom class), participants are required to write and submit one or two 2-page papers in order to receive class credit toward certification. For information and paper requirements, click here.

  2. Minimum of eight hours of paid consultation with Bret Lyon or Sheila Rubin, completed within two years. This must include:

    • At least one hour of consultation with Bret and at least one hour with Sheila

    • At least one hour of personal consultation

    • At least ​two hours of professional consultation

  3. A clear demonstration of deep understanding of our approach to what shame is and how to work with it, and a strong commitment to helping others. Occasionally this may require repeating or taking extra workshops and additional consultation work.

These requirements may change. Students who complete the training within two years of taking their first workshop will be exempt from any change to the requirements.

Website Listing
Students who complete the certification program will be guaranteed a listing on our website for two years from their date of certification at no charge. After the first two years, we may require additional training after program completion to continue being listed on the website. While there is currently no fee for practitioners to be listed on the website, we may add an annual fee in the future.

Students who complete one-half of the program (5 workshops and 4 consultations) and demonstrate competence with the material can be listed on the website as Intermediate Students for a period of two years.

Our current workshops (those listed in bold are required):

  • Healing Shame - The Core Workshop

  • Melting the Shame Freeze

  • Through the Looking Glass: Using Imaginal Resources to Heal Shame

  • Using Interpersonal Skills to Heal Shame

  • Advanced 1: Giving Back the Shame
    Prerequisite: This workshop is only open to advanced students who have taken at least two workshops with us, or by special permission.

  • Advanced 2: ShameShifting: Transforming Toxic Shame into Healthy Shame
    Prerequisite: This workshop is only open to advanced students who have taken at least two workshops with us, or by special permission.

  • Healing Shame in Inner Children and Actual Children

  • Healing Shame in the Inner Teenager and Actual Teenagers

  • Shame and Parenting

  • Healing Shame in Couples

  • Sex and Shame

  • Shame and the Body – Level One: Body Image, Eating Disorders and Embodiment

  • Shame and the Body – Level Two: Transforming Great Sensitivity into Personal Power

  • Healing Shame in Men

  • Shame and Aging

  • Trauma, Shame, and the Nervous System
    Prerequisite: Open to students who have taken at least one previous Healing Shame workshop with us or have significant training in working with trauma.

  • Unlocking Shame Binds: Unbinding Shame from Trauma, Grief, Anger, Fear, Joy and Pleasure

For descriptions of each workshop, please view the Workshops page. For dates of upcoming workshops, please view the Schedule.

The workshops can be taken in any order, except for the Advanced Workshops, which require that the student has already taken two Healing Shame workshops, including the Core Workshop, and Shame, Trauma, and the Nervous System, which requires that the student has already taken at least one Healing Shame workshop or has significant training in working with trauma.

Program Cost
The program cost for the ten workshops is $3,660 (a considerable savings over taking eight of the classes individually at $395 each and the two advanced classes at $475 each). Missed workshops can be made up the following year at no extra charge.

Private consultations can be done over Skype or Zoom. Consultations are charged separately from the program and need to be arranged individually with Bret and Sheila. Rates range from $200 to $250 a session. Visit our Consultations page for information on consultation programs and packages.

CE Credit
The program can provide 133 CE credits to LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs in California. Hours of Attendance are available for all others and may be accepted by the student’s state board.
It is the participant's responsibility to check with their individual state board to verify continuing education requirements for their state.

The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California – CAMFT-approved CE provider #134393. Courses meet the qualifications for hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. 

For details, please visit our CE credit information page.

“Training with Sheila and Bret has given me a perspective in helping people who may be struggling with the burden of shame, that enables me to home in and help frame the difficulties in a way that empowers and lights the way toward deep healing. It’s a privilege to be a witness to the genuine desire that my clients have to heal and become whole, and I am grateful to be able to offer them the effective strategies I have gleaned from doing the training workshops with Sheila and Bret.”
— Jerry Perlman, M. Ed., Psychologist, Montreal

“I can see how profoundly shame impacts people’s lives. With the tools I have learned from Bret and Sheila, I can help clients heal from toxic shame and support them in reclaiming their power and taking back their lives.”
— Elaine Gayler, LMFT, SEP, Sebastopol, CA

We look forward to connecting with you
and welcome your questions and comments.

To request more information, please contact us at:

Bret Lyon
Email: Bret@healingshame.com
Phone: (510) 420-1441

Sheila Rubin
Email: Sheila@healingshame.com
Phone: (415) 820-3974

The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.


We do not offer refunds. The amount paid can be applied toward a future workshop within 12 months. Registrations are not transferable.


The Center for Healing Shame welcomes people who have disabilities. Our training location is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.


The Center for Healing Shame seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner.

If you have a grievance, please include your name and contact information and submit it in writing to Sheila Rubin (sheila@healingshame.com).

Grievances will receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.